Now that we are
approaching the shortest day and the longest night of the year, new light is
being shed on old myths.
The much-debated
idea that Jesus Christ was merely a mythical character finds new expression in the
latest issue of the newspaper Jornal Algarve 123. The paper quotes an Algarve genealogist,
Nuno Inácio, speaking about a friend who died just as he was starting to write
a book based on 20 years of delving into the origins of Christianity.
“He died when he
had proof of what he wanted to prove: that the Biblical Jesus Christ never
existed….. Jesus Christ was created by Paul, as part of a family vendetta,”
says Inácio.
Those wishing to
examine the “proof” will have to read the newly published 706-page book Apokalipsis based on the research of Inácio’s
friend Victor Borges (not to be confused with the Danish
musical comedian of the same name who had a home in the Algarve for
many years).
Meanwhile, Russia ’s former
president, now prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev this week remarked on two other
subjects thought by many to be steeped in mythology.

Medvedev replied:
“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is
given a special top secret folder. This folder in its entirety contains
information about aliens who visited our planet.”
continued: “Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret
special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our
country ... I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may
cause panic. More detailed information on this topic you can get from a
well-known movie called ‘Men in Black’."
With tongue still
firmly lodged in his cheek, Medvedev’s also discussed Santa Claus – or Father
Frost as Santa is known in Russia .
“I believe in Father Frost. But not too deeply,” said Medvedev. Anyway, you
know, I'm not one of those people who are able to tell the kids that Father
Frost does not exist.”
Film star Brad Pitt
apparently is one of those people. The husband of Angelina Jolie and father of
six recently revealed that when he was a child he was devastated to discover
Santa wasn’t real as he had been led to believe. “I thought it was a huge act
of betrayal when I was a kid. I didn't like that. When I found out the truth, I
was like, ‘why, why, why would you lie to me, why?’”

Happily, Mayan
scholars have pooh-poohed the notion and the large Mayan population in the
Mexican state of Yucatán have scheduled a festival next Friday to celebrate the
fact that the Mayan calendar does not predict any disaster at all.
The NASA space
agency, through leading astrophysicist David Morrison, has described the December
21st doomsday prediction as just another modern hoax. Morrison has dismissed all
the chatter about ‘End Times’ caused by a meteor strike, a solar flare or a polar
shift as baloney. Despite what creationists believe, most scientists are agreed
that the Earth is more than four billion years old and probably has another
billion or so to go.
So, that’s that
sorted. Phew! Now all we have to worry about is the Christmas shopping and getting
into the festive spirit.