Hunger in Portugal is widespread, mostly far from obvious, sometimes cloaked in shame.
Among those
taking concerted action against hunger is an American with a dynamic project he is developing throughout Lisbon
and spreading to urban areas in other regions of the country.
Hunter Halder,
62, originally from a village near Richmond ,
Virginia , is the brains behind
the so-called Re-Food programme designed to help end both hunger and food waste.
Launched in Lisbon
2011, it so far involves 750 volunteers collecting and repackaging food
from more than 300 outlets and distributing it daily to about 850
Almost all of Lisbon ’s 24 parishes now
have a Re-Food team, either already in action or being formed, says Halder. He
has introduced the system to Oporto and just
last weekend he ‘seeded’ the idea at two
well-attended meetings in the Algarve .
While targeting other cities on the mainland, he also hopes to set up teams in
the Azores and Madeira .
The scheme is
intended to complement the work of the Portuguese federation of food banks and
private charities running soup kitchens. They have been working together in Lisbon , helping each other
where they can, even though Re-Food operates in a somewhat different way.
“What Re-Food
brings to the table,” Halder explained, “is an abundance of excellent,
ready-to-eat food every day at no, or almost no, cost.
“This is a very
big deal because reducing food insufficiency is only possible if massive
amounts of food at practically no cost can be obtained daily.
“We target every
single scrap of excess prepared food within our neighbourhoods by going to
every café, restaurant and grocery store every day they are open.

“We deliver that
food to people who are not being served by existing institutions, be they
homeless, jobless or in any other condition that leaves them without the means
to secure the food they need.
“We go door to
door to find and serve those who are ashamed of their need and who, therefore,
are practically invisible.”
The project is
totally non-profit-making and no one connected with it is paid anything.
“We want everyone
who ever serves or donates to this project to know that 100% of their effort,
goodwill or resources will be applied exclusively to expand the benefits of our
work,” says Halder.
Although he
describes the project as being still in the early stages of development, he is
optimistic that Lisbon
can become the first city in the world with virtually no food waste and no
hunger. He foresees no limit to the Re-Food model and believes it can go
national, even global.
Using four basic
criteria - reducing unnecessary food waste, reducing food insufficiency,
strengthening community ties and replication – he is happy to share
the Re-Food model with anyone keen to implement it.
The charismatic
Hunter Halder has lived in Lisbon
for 23 years. His first visit was during a pilgrimage to Fátima in 1988. He married
a Portuguese tour guide with whom he had a son. It was his son Christopher, now
24, who came up with the name Re-Food and co-founded the project with his
Before that, Hunter’s
two young daughters from his second marriage frequently commented about wastage
in restaurants and this inspired him to do something about it. His daughters,
Mayara, 22, and Raissa, 19, are now both involved in Re-Food.
Halder’s sights
are set high, but because of his organisational and operational skills he
remains pragmatic.
“It is, of
course, impossible to end all food waste,” he conceded, giving as an example
the top of the onion you cut off and throw away when making a salad.
“But it is
possible to end the trashing of enormous amounts of perfectly good food. The
Re-Food model can achieve this because of the power of community mobilisation
and the fact that we work at the local community level.
“With respect to
ending hunger in Lisbon
or anywhere else, a dose of humility and reality is in order. We have always
had hunger with us and it will not go quietly away. That said, it is also true
that the public and private institutions, as well as businesses and citizens,
have worked, and are working, to alleviate hunger. All of these
efforts are needed.
strategic trajectory has always been to complete our work on the micro local
level, replicate throughout the city of Lisbon and then throughout all cities.
“But reality does
not follow strategic models. We began replicating throughout Lisbon and beyond long before completing the
full implementation in the original parish.
“Similarly, we
began replicating in other cities long before Lisbon has been fully implanted. We expect to
be replicating internationally long before completing our national work.
“We have to try
to build the capacity to respond to all who want to replicate. The project is
universal and we intend to make it universally available,” said Halder.
So far, the
project has encountered remarkably few difficulties. The biggest was taking the
initial decision in March 2011. Since then it has been easy-going, except for
the work involved, of course.