The current French
intervention in northern Mali
and the recent hostage crisis at a gas plant in Algeria
are reminders that jihadists remain an ever present threat not only across
North Africa, but also in Spain
and Portugal .
The followers of
radical leaders including Osama Bin Laden, his mentor Abdullah Azzam, and the
spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, believe it to
be an Islamic “obligation” to return and recover their “lost” territories of
Occupied by Muslim
Moors from North Africa from the early 8th century, al-Andalus included the Algarve and most of the rest of Portugal , along with much of Spain . Muslims
dominated the Algarve
for well over 500 years. They were not finally banished by indigenous Christian
forces in southern Spain
until near the end of the 15th century.
In March last
year, Spanish police arrested a suspected al-Qaeda member on terrorism charges.
They said he ran one of the world's most important jihadist forums dedicated to
online recruitment and propaganda operations.
Four months
later, in July, Spanish police arrested three more al-Qaeda suspects who were thought
to be planning an attack. These arrests were reported to be the result of collaboration
between the Spanish intelligence services and some of the country’s unnamed “close
collaboration is now being stepped up. The interior ministers of Morocco , Spain ,
France and Portugal signed an agreement in Rabat last week to expand
police cooperation and improve information exchanges on terrorism, illegal
immigration and drug trafficking.
A closer
commitment to combating renewed threats from jihadists in the light of the Mali intervention was the subject of this week’s
visit to Algiers by Britain ’s Prime Minister David
Cameron. He said the UK and Algeria wanted
to form a strategic partnership on policing, defence, counter-terrorism and
intelligence. The international community should use “everything at its
disposal” to fight terrorism, Cameron declared.
The predominately
Muslim nations of Morocco
and Algeria are southern Portugal ’s closest neighbours after Spain .
Algeria shares a long border
with northern Mali , which is
closer to the Algarve than
Faro is to Paris .

In the past there
have been reports of al-Qaeda movements across the open border between the
south of Spain and the Algarve .
Southern Spain has a large Muslim community. Incitements
to attack certain types of targets in Portugal ,
as well as Spain ,
have been reported from forums on radical Islamist websites.
head of Russia 's Federal
Security Service, Alexander Bortnikov, blamed al-Qaeda for starting forest
wildfires last year in Portugal ,
Spain and elsewhere in Europe . He said it was part of what al-Qaeda calls its “strategy of a
thousand cuts.” Bortnikov was quoted by the Russian International News Agency
(RIA) as saying: “This method allows (al-Qaeda) to inflict significant economic
and moral damage without serious preliminary preparations, technical equipment
or significant expenses.”
Crimes of
forgery and fraud in Portugal and the theft of a large number of passports and identity documents of various nationalities in Spain have been attributed to supporters of al-Qaeda. This is seen as part of an
on-going “bleed the enemy to death” campaign against the western world.
Meanwhile, a
growing number of commentators in the media are questioning the whole concept
of the so-called “war on terror.” They point out that the Islamist threat comes
not from a unified al-Qaeda organisation with a clear agenda, but from complex
and disparate groups embodying a range of grievances.
In the UK ’s Independent newspaper last week, the
British shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander wrote: “Today the challenges
and circumstances we confront demand a different response. Al-Qaeda – using
modern technology to advance medieval ideas – is like a mutating virus, seeking
out weak host bodies in which to take root and spread.”
As to how the
international community should respond t0 the emerging threat in the Sahel
region of Africa, Alexander said: “First - in a way that was not the case in Iraq -
by prioritising an understanding of the peoples, history and culture of the
“To try and draw
simplistic lines between good and bad will only help those seeking to unify
those with ethnic, regional and international grievances. The prize is to keep
those movements separate, not unite them.”
Another key
ingredient, Alexander added, was the need for “more intelligence sharing on the
characteristics and capability of the emerging threats.”
The British
Foreign Office continues to advise those travelling to Portugal that “there is an
underlying threat from terrorism. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including
places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers.”
While the threat
rarely gives rise to concern in the everyday experiences of those living or
holidaying here, it is reassuring to know that it is very high on the agenda of
those responsible for the security of this and the wider region around us.