A world without
mosquitoes would be a very much better place, but we are told that a world
without honeybees would probably be a planet devoid of human habitation.
This is not the
view of someone on holiday who has been exposed to too much sun. It is the
considered opinion of many research scientists. If it is true, it is as relevant
to us in southern Portugal
as to everyone else across the globe.
have been more irritating than usual in certain parts of the Algarve this
summer. Infinitely more worrying elsewhere is that mosquitoes are responsible
for spreading malaria, a disease that each year infects well over 200 million
people and kills a million of them. And then there is potentially deadly yellow
fever, dengue, Japanese encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, Chikungunya virus and
West Nile virus, all caused by mosquitoes.
Of the 3,500 or
so species of mosquitoes in the world, none of those in mainland Portugal is lethal or even dangerous, although much
farther to the south, many people have been infected by the dengue virus over
the last 10 months in the Madeira archipelago.
Malaria was eradicated
from Portugal
in the 1950s. A resurgence is possible in tandem with global warming, but the
likelihood of this anytime soon is considered low. For now at least, mosquitoes
on the Portuguese mainland are just a bloody nuisance.
generally agree that insect-eating creatures that
currently heavily depend on them for food would adapt rather than go hungry in a world without mosquitoes.
would apparently be a different scenario in a world without honeybees.

populations of honeybees have collapsed in recent years. Scientists are not
sure why. Pesticides, especially a new class of chemicals called nicotinoids,
are high on the list of suspects. The European Commission has ordered a two-year
ban on the use of nicotinoids.
diseases, fungal infections and microscopic mites are also under investigation
as possible causes. Portuguese specialists are very concerned too about a
predatory species of wasp, Vespa velutina,
which arrived in Europe from Asia in 2004 and
has been rapidly spreading ever since. It is at the peak of its bee-killing
activity at this time of year.
If bees are drastically
depleted further, the crops most likely to suffer include those most
commercially important in southern Portugal . Almonds are said to be
totally dependent on bee pollination and citrus fruits heavily so.
Over ninety
percent of Portuguese producers are non-professionals with less than 150
hives. The national daily newspaper Diário de Noticias recently quoted one
of them, Gualdino Dias, 74, who is devoting more time to beekeeping now that he
has retired. Producing large quantity of honey is laborious, he said, “because
beekeeping is like music - it never ends.”
The trouble is, beekeeping
may well end if ways are not found to check the current collapse in the bee
population. At least that is how it is being generally reported.
Time magazine is
running a six-page cover story in its latest edition headlined “A World Without
Bees.” It quotes Jeff Pettis, the research leader at the US Department of Agriculture’s
Bee Research Laboratory: “The take-home message is that we are very close to
the edge. It’s a roll of the dice now.”
But hang on, is
this not just another example of over-emotional sensationalism based on incomplete
or wonky science? Maybe. Maybe not.
Albert Einstein
is widely quoted as having predicted long before there was any hint of a
problem: “If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have
four years left to live.”
Actually, there
is no documented evidence Einstein ever said this at all.
No Bees No Butterflies No Wasps No Hornets No House Martins No insect splats on windscreen . Why Why Why ???????
Good question! May depend on your neighbourhood. Here near Porches, in the municipality of Lagoa, no or remarkably few bees, butterflies, wasps, hornets - or even mozzies this summer. House Martins managed to find enough food and nested as usual under village eaves.
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