The Portuguese government would like to see a military punative
response to the recent use of chemical weapons in Syria , but only if it is backed “as
far as possible” by an international organisation such as the Security Council
of the United Nations.
This cautious view is in contrast
to the blustering hostility and hypocrisy that has been streaming out of the United States .

Machete was speaking after the British parliament’s
rejection of military action and before the matter is fully discussed by the US
Congress. His hope that no action will be taken without UN approval is in line
with that of President Putin of Russia .
Meanwhile, an air of confusion prevails. In reporting all the rhetoric coming out of St Petersburg,Washington, Damascus and elsewhere, the mainstream media
has largely ignored the moral dilemma posed by the current outrage.
While it does not make the killing of 1,429 men, women and
children near Damascus
with chemical weapons any less heinous, it should be remembered that an
estimated 100,000 Syrians have been killed by conventional weapons in the
current civil war.
The argument that the use of chemical or biological weapons
is in some way more evil than other forms of slaughter is highly questionable
when it is remembered that the North Korean dictators Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong
Il reputedly killed thousands if not millions of their own people through
Humans have been carrying out appalling mass killings
since the dawn of history. For example, historians estimate that during the
16th century Lisbon Pogrom, otherwise known as the 1506 Easter Slaughter,
between 2,000 and 4,000 suspected Jews were massacred and thrown into pyres
across the Portuguese capital.
Although it was already considered “uncivilised,” poison
gases were widely used during World War I. Well over a million tons of
chemical agents claimed hundreds of thousands of casualties.
The United
States used Agent Orange extensively during the
Vietnam War. It resulted in the death or maiming of 400,000 people. Half a
million children suffered birth defects. The US government disputes the figures,
but the Vietnam Red Cross estimates that up to a million people are disabled or
have health problems due to Agent Orange.
During the Iran-Iraq conflict in the 1980s, tens of
thousands of Iranian soldiers were killed during Iraqi chemical weapons attacks,
aided by intelligence reports on Iranian troop movements from President
Reagan’s administration, which was well aware of Iraq ’s chemical weapons
capabilities at the time.
In the 1990s, the United States itself had a huge
stockpile of chemical weapons and it is said to have retained 15 per cent of
its Sarin gas arsenal even after the international chemical weapons ban was
introduced in 1997.
The United States
and Israel ,
as well as the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, have been accused of using white phosphorus
in battle in the past ten years.
International law still allows the use of napalm against
military targets. While most famously used by the Americans in Vietnam , this deadly chemical incendiary agent
has been used by several other countries, including Portugal during its 1961-74 colonial
“Is there a sliding scale for the ethics of a heinous
action? Is it worse to die of gas or hunger?”
asks Carl Hausman, editor of Ethics Newsline, among the few journalists to
tackle the moral issue over Syria
head-on this week.
On the other hand, “What level of certitude must we attain
before the United States
can commit ethically to a punitive strike? In a similar vein, can we ever hope
to definitively conclude that every diplomatic option has been played out
before we attack? Is waiting for a larger consensus always the ‘right thing to
do,’ even if it draws out the risks associated with an already
demonstrably deadly situation?”
Peaceful Portugal
is preoccupied with its own dire domestic problems and has no real option but
to urge caution and view the Syrian crisis from the sidelines. Caution seems
preferable to President Obama’s aggressive blustering.
Don’t forget, this is the same Obama who in 2009 was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen
international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”
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