The European
parliamentary elections have resulted in convolutions bordering on chaos - but
then what else did we expect from one of the biggest democratic events in the
world, which spanned four days, 28 countries and almost 400 million citizens?
The European
Union is such a befuddling and annoying phenomenon that a record number of
voters in Portugal and elsewhere did not bother to turn out. A record number of
those who did cast their vote do not even want to remain part of the union.

The low turnout
figures – 34% in Portugal, 44% throughout the EU - raise serious questions
about the union’s democratic credentials, but more importantly for now, what
does the bewildering array of other statistics add up to?
In short, a great
deal of confusion and uncertainty.
For starters, a
continent-wide protest vote giving unprecedented support to extremist parties
has more than doubled the number of seats of MEPs who want their countries to
quit or radically change the EU.
A third of the
new parliamentarians come from fired-up, factious fringe groups representing a
variety of anti-establishment, anti-immigration and anti-austerity views.
In France, Marine
Le Pen’s Front National topped a poll for the first time ever by demanding that
their country be run “by the French, for the French and with the French,”
rather than “foreign commissioners” in Brussels. Le Penn described her victory
as “a first step in a long march to liberty” away from the EU.
The far right
polled strongly in Denmark
and Austria , but in the Netherlands too
close an alliance with Miss Le Pen was seen as the key factor in Geert Wilders
and his far-right Dutch Freedom Party unexpectedly losing rather than gaining
In Italy, the
governing Democratic Party of reformist Prime Minister Matteo Renzi surprised
even its own most optimistic supporters by trouncing the eurosceptic Five Star
party led by an ex-comedian.
The anti-immigration
UKIP party triumphed in Britain where the number of European migrants is almost
exactly balanced by the number of Britons living elsewhere in the EU, including
at least 40,000 in Portugal. Some analysts think the chance of Britain leaving
the EU in the next five years has now risen to 50%.
Angela Merkel’s
party prevailed in Germany although it suffered its worst ever result in a European parliamentary
election and saw a right-wing surge from the new Alternative for Germany party,
which wants Europe’s largest nation to ditch the euro currency.
An even more
extreme German party, which has been likened to the Nazis, will be sending a
MEP to Brussels for the first time, as will Greece’s ultra-nationalist Golden
Dawn party, though its leader and several of his colleagues are in prison
awaiting trial on charges involving murder, arson and extortion.
On the other side
of the political spectrum, the election in Greece was won by the radical left
Syriza party. It had campaigned against European leaders for turning Greeks
into “the guinea pigs” of the economic crisis and causing “a social
disillusionment and downright hostility to the EU because of severe austerity
and high unemployment secured third place for the Communist-Greens alliance in
Despite the
maverick onslaught from both left and right, all is far from lost for those who
greatly value the EU as a bastion for peace and relative stability in a
topsy-turvey world.
In Portugal, the
opposition Socialists dominated the election with 31.45 percent. The ruling
coalition of Social Democrats and their smaller rightist CDS-PP partner came in
second with 27.7 percent.
Overall, the
mainstream pro-European centre-right and centre-left groups will continue to
hold a broad majority, with the anti-EU rebels too much of a motley crew to
form a cohesive threat.
Even the outgoing
Portuguese president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, admitted
to being a bit baffled after the counting was over. He described the elections as the EU's
“biggest test of stress ever” and said it would take an in-depth analysis
to understand the results.
Meanwhile, many
citizens of Europe haven’t a clue what MEPs actually do except regularly
perambulate at great expense between Brussels and Strasbourg, and complicate
what individual national governments and the unelected European Commission are
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