Portugal will have plenty of
national post-election problems to deal with in the weeks and months ahead, but
one of its wider worries that should not be underestimated is the tension
between the West and Russia over Ukraine.
Portuguese foreign and
defence officials will be carefully watching developments amid fears that the
Ukraine confrontation could spiral out of control and affect the whole of
Europe. Dialogue and diplomacy between Russia and the United States are at present
keeping armed conflict and perhaps even an all-out war at bay. More clarity
about the possibility of compromises may emerge as early as this coming week
when further negotiations are scheduled.
Ukraine is an independent
sovereign nation. It is not a member of either the EU or NATO. Historically and
ethnically it has been close to Russia in that it formed part of the Soviet
Union. Geographically located next to Russia, Ukraine also borders on a few EU
states that are members of NATO. President Vladimir Putin emphatically demands
that Ukraine is not allowed to join the EU or NATO. Equally emphatically, the
majority of Ukrainians, especially those in the west of the country, want to be
free of any form of Russian domination.
Led by the United States,
European countries have joined in the war of words, promising massive economic
sanctions if Russia does not back off the troops and military equipment amassed
along the frozen 1,600 km northern, eastern and southern borders of
Ukraine. Russia is also thought to have recently carried out cyber attacks,
disinformation campaigns and other hostile acts while claiming it has no
intention of invading Ukraine. Should it do so, a united, swift and
strong response is assure
No one in the West is quite
sure what Putin’s intentions are, but a weakening or breakup of the EU is
suspected of being one of his primary goals. Perhaps he is just exerting
pressure to force a rollback of NATO forces in countries close to Russia. Both
sides have so far remained resolute in the negotiations held most recently last
Friday between the Russian and US foreign ministers. They concluded with a wide
gulf between the two. So where does Portugal fit into all this?
Portugal firmly supports
the joint EU and US stance even though it is not a direct participant in the
ongoing negotiations. Germany, France and the UK are the main interlocutors
with the US and Russia. Fortunately for Portugal, unlike much of the rest of
Europe it is not dependent on natural gas supplies from Russia, which it is feared
the Kremlin might be using as a weapon in the current stalemate. Portugal’s gas
originates in Algeria, Nigeria and the US.
Portugal has concerns even
though it is the most distant EU country from Ukraine and thus perhaps the
least vulnerable should dialogue fail. It is situated more than 3,000 km west
of Ukraine. It’s about the same distance east of the United States. As distant
as it is, defence minister, Joao Gomes Gravinho, told his 26 EU counterparts at
a meeting earlier this month in Brest, France, that he was delighted with the
“absolute refusal” by all EU member states to give in to Russia’s attempts to
divide the Union by threatening Ukraine.
The defence minister went
so far as to claim: “It’s clear that Russia’s attitudes seek to divide – divide
the Europeans and divide the Europeans from the North Americans.” He described
it as “a very worrying situation that must be dealt with firmly, with a clear
purpose and in unity among all Europeans.” He added that in the case of Ukraine
there is strict coordination, as opposed to the confusion last year when US
troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan without the prior knowledge by European
Boaventura de Sousa Santos,
a Portuguese professor of sociology at the School of Economics, the University
of Coimbra, does not lean nearly as heavily on Russia’s behaviour as most
Western commentators. He argues that the United Nations could play a crucial
role in defusing what he calls the escalating Cold War. “This war, which
was set in motion by Donald Trump and enthusiastically continued by Joe Biden,
seeks to have two targets, China and Russia, and two fronts, Taiwan and
Ukraine. It would seem unwise for a declining power such as the United States
to engage in confrontation on two different fronts at the same time.”
Meanwhile, Portugal is
pressing the EU to focus much more than it has done in the past on the Atlantic
Ocean and strengthen maritime security. This will be addressed in a new version
of the EU’s Defence Strategy scheduled to be approved in March, if not before.
In past years, top Russian warships have passed along Portugal’s coast, at
times as close as 26 nautical miles from the Algarve’s shores.